
Talking About Money, Saves You Money

Talking About Money, Saves You Money!   As a Money Coach, I am a big fan of talking about money, as I feel it de-mistifies it. Talking to a client, I helped them get a refund of £25,000!! They didn't know what they didn't know - let me explain. The client had...

Why Are People Weird About Bookkeeping?

Why Are People Weird About Book-keeping? I have always thought people avoided their book-keeping, because they didn't want to know the answer - because things weren't going well! But I have been helping a client with her book-keeping. Her figures were fantastic!! So I...

Where Does All My Money Go?

Where Does All My Money Go?   Ever wondered why, no matter how much you earn, there never seems to be enough for you?   Well I am going to explain that today. It's funny, once we set up a standing order or a direct debt, or even claim benefits, we kind of...

Best Money Books for Christmas

The Best Money Books for Christmas? Well, if it is for you?  The public library is good. Money books with numbers in are found in the personal finance section but money books without numbers, which I am talking about today, are found under philosophy! OK so what is...

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