“Wows” from everyone is a wonderful way to start the day! Here is a flavour of what happens at a money retreat…

The venue was perfect in the Autumn sunlight and warm enough to eat lunch outside.


Morning Activities


We started by identifying money styles, which provided a welcome laugh!

And relaxed into the first sound bath by Roise. A first for some! 

Here are a selection of Tibetan bowls used in the Sound Bath

Tibetan bowls for a sound bath during the money retreat

Then using different questions to discover what’s important to people? “Feeling in control of money” was everyone’s favourite today.

The Law of Attractive provoked scepticism and magical stories.

There was relief and delight that general self-care strategies work just as well for money as they do for our mind and body! For example, walking to clear your mind, journaling and almost any self-care activity can benefit you money, if that is your intention.

Money and business fears were brought to the surface and identified, then soothed by the next sound bath.




Lunch was a relaxed, friendly affair. Nadia at Da Vinci Pop Up Dining made 2 mouth-watering, organic courses. Starting with delicious home-made sourdough bread.  The main course was a warm green bean frittata with a selection of salads, including cauliflower and cashew salad.  Dessert was an irresistible pannacotta with fruit and chocolate covered macaroons to finish.

Eating lunch outside in the garden

Money Retreat participants eating a delicious lunch outside


Afternoon Activities


The afternoon was about bringing the positive to money.  Growing confidence. And finding an attitude or way of being, in order to support the future.

The final sound bath, helped people visualise their own abundant future. 

After feedback and reviews, we ended the day with a transformational fire meditation. Powerful.


In conclusion, it was an amazing, transformative day. I hope you enjoyed hearing about what happens at a Money Retreat.

Here are a few of the comments from the attendees. 


“Brilliant event, really great content and hospitality.” 

“Beautiful setting and delicious food, to perfectly set the scene, for a relaxing day discussing money.” 

“Excellent sound baths”, “Enriching and well placed within the session.”
“Jenny has a lovely engaging manner and puts people at ease while talking about money.”

“Helped me heal my relationship with money, met fabulous people.”

“Content 1st class, clear to understand, excellent exercises.”


Here is a page of the Money Retreat Journal to give you a better sense at what happens on a money retreat.


open page showing money retreat workbook


“Relaxed, organised, friendly”

The next Money Retreat will be in the Spring.
All the best, Jenny



Jenny Bracelin

Jenny Bracelin is a transformational money coach, business adviser and award-winning entrepreneur, based in Ludlow, Shropshire.

Transformational coaching works with the body, emotions, mind and (spirit) giving you lasting change with less effort. 

Jenny trained as a spiritual healer and loves combining personal development with the benefits of nature, to produce inspirational and breakthrough results in a relaxed way.  For more practical support please go to iexplainmoney.co.uk


Jenny's Personal Guarantee


This Retreat comes with Jenny’s Personal Guarantee.
Make or Save 10 x the fee or your money back.