Here’s the simple and accurate answer to: “How much tax and NI (National Insurance) will I pay if I’m self-employed from 2023 to 2024.  And it’s free and easy to use.
Or use this self-employed tax calculator to predict your approximate tax bill in the future as you grow and earn more money.  You can ask ‘how much tax’ as many times as you want. (Self-Employed)
How to instantly calculate my Tax and NI with Shropshire business coach Jenny Bracelin

The front end is clear and straightforward and works on laptops, tablets and mobiles.
The back end looks like this 179+((#1 < 50270)?((#1-12570)*0.09):(0))
A combination of conditional maths, which I vaguely remembered from school.  The delightful (not) Government Tax and NI information.  Calculator software and a little dash of AI.  All followed up with a lot of double-checking!  Fortunately, it’s easy to update each year.
As a business coach, clients often resist earning more money because they fear tax or accountants.  Now, I can tell them exactly how much they will need to pay as they grow their business.
It’s been a joy to share with my clients and fellow business coaches.  Even an accountant said, “Mmm, that’s handy”.

Please use, share and enjoy.

I fulfilled a long-held dream (since I started my first business aged 22) to create a free online calculator to instantly and accurately answer the question, “How much tax and NI (National Insurance) will I have to pay?”

Clearly, my dreams are different from other people! 

Hopefully, we can be more confident with our business finances now and enjoy running our businesses.

All the best, Jenny

Jenny Bracelin
Business Coach


I’m Jenny Bracelin, a Shropshire-based Business Coach, providing heartfelt and practical business coaching to individual business owners.

Streamline your business to make more money with happy clients and still enjoy your weekends off.  I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, and I can help you.

Please feel free to book a free discovery call to find out how.